Thursday, 29 July 2010

The journey home was extrodinary. The clouds were low and it rained on and off. When the sun had its moment, the land was lit up in different parts.
In some areas there were low moving rain clouds travelling accross the hill tops. I had much fun dodging the rain with my camera!
I was lucky to have come accross a perfect and full rainbow. Although there wasn't much to see in the fields underneath this splender. The beauty of the arch created a great picture. I hope you enjoy the next few......


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful afternoon :P I love the rain soooo much! And of course, I can't wait to see the picture :)

  2. These photos are like shots from a movie. From an "American eye", this is exactly what I have in mind when I think of England during "the war".

  3. Thanks Emmy, the afternoon was great. It took a while getting home with all the stops we made!

    Thanks again Mary, it was as though we had stepped back in time! I think its a great idea to have such a theme... educational and more importantly, a remeberance for all those who were involved in the war. I hope ito visit Leyburn next year for the event.
