Saturday, 5 July 2008

This is Tom's allotment, its brilliant, its about the size of a football pitch! This is where we go in our spare time and clean up, build, make fires and cook! Its such an inspiring place and its high up so you can see most of Burnley. I will be taking more photographs up here of a different model soon.

This was taken at my partners' alotment, a great place for photo's, very inspiring! I liked this one because of the shapes and colours and her shadow. I managed to get an assistant to hold a reflector underneath to help shine abit of light onto her face aswell as my flash gun.
Over summer this year I am going to take a few rolls of film and photographs models on location using my own homemade reflector boards and my flash gun. I actually took this image using myu digital camera because it came out better than the similar version on 35mm film. The model is my cousin who did very well, we had alot of fun and the weather was fantastic. This photograph was taken in Towneley Park, Burnley.