Friday, 12 February 2010

I created this image in the bedroom, using natural lighting.... I recently purchased some cushions and a bed spread, which I made into a background. I then used Photoshop to tidy the image and bring out my subject, Grace..

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

A couple of christmas shots, telelphoto lens..

I was inspired by the detail that appeared on the eyes. I photographed her beside my window, where there were some crystal glasses on the sil. I colour spectrum was achieved and seen through the eyes. I chose to show this one because I captured reflection of the lashes in there too..

The above images are fairly random... all taken with my Canon 40D DSLR with natural lighting.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

It's quite a while since my last post... I became a first time mum in December so I've found life these days rather busy. I've not had much time to plan and go out shooting! Instead i have focused soley on my daughter, Grace, who is a constent inspiration to me. I photograph her most days and each time I become more inventive with the compositions, which keeps me motivated as a photographer. I have missed the oppotunity to continue my photograhy at university this year and so I must maintain and practice what I have leant from home.

These new images are self portraits... it's something I've not really had the confidence to do before. I thought about the background, lighting and pose, to produce a raw photograph and then used Photoshop to help me achieve a final image. I shall post images up of my little Grace after these..